Petal Sulfate-Free Solid Shampoo for Dry Hair - 50 g

Using soap alters our natural pH.
We have achieved a foaming effect for easy application, without the use of soap or sulfates.
Thanks to our commitment to innovation, we have developed the only sulfate-free shampoo that generates soft foam.
Under our extensive experience as a laboratory, based on exclusive technological processes, we want to offer you a new line of daily beauty with the delicacy of natural, 100% vegan and the quality commitment of our seal.
Shampoo is not only a hygiene product, it provides beauty. Give it the prominence it deserves in your routine.
Thanks to our commitment to innovation we have developed unique products, both the solid shampoo and the solid gel generate foam easily. This is because they are highly concentrated in surfactants and natural ingredients. Surfactants that are vegan in our formulations.
Gentle on your hair: formulated with natural ingredients such as aloe vera, coconut oil, grape seed oil and essential oils, pampering every type of hair. Vegan and sulfate-free.
Environmentally friendly: plastic-free.
Maximize the life of your shampoo by keeping it in a dry place. You can store your solid shampoo in its container once it is dry.
We also recommend using an aluminum container for proper storage after use.
Lo deja muy suave y dura muchos días limpios, estoy encantada
Me encanta...deja el pelo suave y nutrido...
Una maravilla de productos
Empecé a usarlos por la comodidad para los viajes y ahora los he sustituido por los champús líquidos.
Va genial a mi encrespamiento y me deja el pelo con aspecto sano.
Normalmente tengo el cabello muy seco, con este champú estoy consiguiendo regular poco a poco mi problema y voy notando el pelo más sedoso